WSF2018 スケジュール
2018年7月31日 (火) ガラ・オープニング・コンサート・ユニオン・チャペル ロンドン
20h00 – 21h30
Gala Opening Concert
Time: 20h00 (Doors open 19h00)
Location: Union Chapel, Compton Terrace, Islington, London N1 2UN
Concert Programme:
- ZENYOJI Keisuke, shakuhachi – Mukaiji
- TANABE Shozan, shakuhachi; MIYAZAKI Mieko, koto – Midare (YATSUHASHI Kengyo)
- SUTO Shuho, shakuhachi – Sanya Seiran
- David Kansuke II WHEELER, shakuhachi; FUJIMOTO Akiko, shamisen; SATO Kikuko, koto – Onoe no Matsu (MIYAGI Michio)
- KURAHASHI Yodo II, shakuhachi – Kyorei
- Aomori Min’yō Association – min’yō
- John Kaizan NEPTUNE, shakuhachi; Ligeti Quartet: Mandhira de SARAM, violin; Patrick DAWKINS, violin; Richard JONES, viola; Val WELBANKS, cello – Forest Trail and Currents (J. NEPTUNE)
- Aomori Min’yo Association – min’yō
- FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru, MATAMA Kazushi shakuhachi – Watatsumi no Irokonomiya (FUKUDA Rando)
- KAWASE Yosuke, shakuhachi; SASAKI Chikano koto; HAGIOKA Yuko koto;
WATANABE Okahana, shamisen – Usu no Koe (YAMATO Shorei III) - Riley LEE, shakuhachi; Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL, shakuhachi – Shika no Tōne
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
Wednesday 1 August 2018
9h00 – 9h40
General gathering and announcements relevant for the day ahead followed by robuki.
WSF2018 Team
10h00 – 11h10
Large Workshop: ZENYOJI Keisuke - Mukaiji
Large workshop ‘Mukaiji’ delivered by ZENJOYI Keisuke.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Large Workshop: KURAHASHI Yodo II – Akita Sugagaki
Large Workshop: KURAHASHI Yodo II presents the honkyoku (Kinko Ryū) piece Akita Sugagaki.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: SHIMURA Zenpo, SHIMA Kazuhiko: Concerning the characteristics of famous Edo-period shakuhachi
Lecture by SHIMURA Zenpo and SHIMA Kazuhiko.
14h00 – 15h10
Large Workshop: KAWASE Yosuke – Usu no Koe 1/2
KAWASE Yosuke presents ‘Usu no Koe’ with Yamada string accompaniment. Session 1 of 2.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Large Workshop: KAWASE Yosuke – Usu no Koe 2/2
KAWASE Yosuke presents the second part of the workshop on ‘Usu no Koe’. Again with Yamada string accompaniment.
Golden Oldies
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Aomori Min'yō Association - The Essence of Min'yō
Talk about the min’yō (Japanese folk music) music tradition lead by members of the Aomori Min’yō Association.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
9h00 – 9h40
Late registration
Another chance for you to register for the WSF2018. Don’t forget to bring your print-out of your ‘completed order’ email receipt and a passport sized photo with you.
WSF2018 Team
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu – Ichijo
ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu presents a masterclass on the piece ‘Ichijo’ by KINEYA Seiho, composed in 1970.
New Sounds
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu – Kangen Hissho
ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu presents Kangen Hissho by ICHIRO Higo, with koto accompaniment.
New Sounds
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: Gunnar Jinmei LINDER – Assessment of Methods of Transmission of Kinko Ryū honkyoku
In this lecture, Gunnar Jinmei LINDER will discuss the historical background to the transmission of Kinko honkyoku, and the transition that has taken place more recently. He will also address the issue of method, and develop some of his ideas about the pros and cons of the direct method that has been and, more or less, still is the standard.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: John Kaizan NEPTUNE – Shakuhachi Improvisation or 'Composing Upon The Instant' 1/2
For all levels; bring a 1.8, and let’s explore how to approach organising sound freely in many styles. Ideas covered will include “telling a story”, rhythm, scales, and dramatic devices.
New Horizons
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: John Kaizan NEPTUNE – Shakuhachi Improvisation or 'Composing Upon The Instant' 2/2
The second part of NEPTUNE’s workshop – For all levels; bring a 1.8, and let’s explore how to approach organising sound freely in many styles. Ideas covered will include “telling a story”, rhythm, scales, and dramatic devices.
New Horizons
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: SEKI Ichiro – Japonism in Europe and Modernism in Japan 1/2
SEKI Ichiro gives a lecture about ‘Japonism in Europe and Modernism in Japan.’ The second part of SEKI’s lecture will be Saturday 4 August at 13h00 in RHB 167.
SEKI is a leading shakuhachi performer and composer from Tokyo. He studied shakuhachi with YOKOYAMA Katsuya and composition with AOSHIMA Hiroshi, MIZUNO Shuko, MATSUDAIRA Yoriaki and TAKAHASHI Yuji.
New Sounds
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: KAWASE Yosuke – Yugao
KAWASE Yosuke’s workshop presents ‘Yugao’, supported by the string players KIKUCHI Nakao and KITAMURA Keiko. (Ikuta style).
Golden Oldies
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: SEIAN Genshin – Myōan: The Future
Talk about the Myōan tradition by SEIAN Genshin, the 42nd kansu of Myōanji Temple in Sanuki, Japan.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Kaei
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi presents ‘Kaei’ composed by HOKI Makoto in 1985. Koto accompaniment by MIYAZAKI Mieko.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
17h00 – 18h00
Screening: Shakuhachi and the City
Programme tba
New Horizons
21h30 – 22h30
Open Mic
Participants’ informal playing session. Modalities tba.
MIxed Programme
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: OKUDA Atsuya – Hifumi Chō, Hachigaeshi 1/2
‘Hifumi Chō, Hachigaeshi’ taught by Zensabō jinashi master player OKUDA Atsuya. This is a piece of modern honkyoku. Zensabō (禅茶房) is the style of shakuhachi playing taught by OKUDA. The ‘school’ was only created recently, but the honkyoku taught and played there coming from the ‘traditional’ repertoire. The second part of the workshop follows immediately after the first part.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: OKUDA Atsuya – Hifumi Chō, Hachigaeshi 2/2
Second part of the workshop.‘Hifumi Chō, Hachigaeshi’ taught by Zensabō jinashi master player OKUDA Atsuya in the Zensabō (禅茶房) style.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Riley LEE - Ajikan
‘Ajikan’ comes originally from Itcho-ken Temple in Hakata (Fukuoka Prefecture) on the island of Kyushu.
Riley LEE began studying the shakuhachi in 1971 in Japan. In 1980 Riley became the first non-Japanese acknowledged as a shakuhachi dai shihan (Grand Master). His teachers were HOSHIDA Ichizan II, SAKAI Chikuho II and YOKOYAMA Katsuya.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: CODJO, Hélène; LIFERMANN Daniel – Shirabe Renbo
Hélène Seiyu CODJO and Daniel Seisoku LIFERMANN present ‘Shirabe Renbo’ (Hijiri style). In this workshop, a duet will be taught that is based on the original ‘Honte Choshi’ with a second part in the pure Hijiri style, exploring expressivity and a large range of colour tones.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Riley LEE – Breath!
Assumptions underlying RILEY’s Breathe! workshop:
- There is an optimal way to breathe
- We are often not breathing optimally
- Simple breathing exercises can benefit almost everyone, especially shakuhachi players
- Better breath awareness leads to better control over all aspects of our lives
- Tension hinders optimal breathing.
- Awareness encourages optimal breathing
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: David Kansuke II WHEELER – Kinko Sankyoku Ornamentation
In this workshop David Kansuke II WHEELER focuses on techniques related to sankyoku ornamentation in the Kinko Ryū style.
David WHEELER (Kansuke II) lived in Japan for twenty years studying and performing the shakuhachi with some of Japan’s finest traditional masters and ensembles, beginning study in Tokyo in 1977 with renowned shakuhachi master KAWASE Junsuke III.
Golden Oldies
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL – Chidori
‘Chidori no Kyoku’ (Song of the Plovers) was composed by YOSHIZAWA Kengyō II (1800ー1872). The lyrics, taken from the Kokin Waka-shū 10th C. collection of Imperial Court poetry, consist of two songs about plovers. The tegoto instrumental section features a counterpoint melody by the shakuhachi, composed by YAMAGUCHI Goro.
String accompaniment is provided by YOKO Reikano Kimura. (Ikuta Ryū style)
Golden Oldies
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: ISO Genmyo – Zen Meditation and Kyushu Reibo
In this workshop we will begin by sitting zazen (on chairs) in order to prepare our breathing. Then we will play robuki. ISO Genmyo will then lecture on ‘Kyushu Reibo’ from the Itchoken lineage. ISO Genmyo is the Head Priest of the Itchoken Temple and Myoan Ryū koten honkyoku player.
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: MIZUNO Komei – Kurokami
‘Kurokami’ (黒髪, ‘Black Hair’) (KOIDE Ichijuro I, d.1800 / KINEYA Sakichi ,I d.1807). This jiuta composition which became popular towards the end of the 18th century, depicts the loneliness of a woman sleeping alone, pining for her absent lover as the snow piles up outside. The vocal line requires considerable skill in order to express the emotive quality of the piece. String accompaniment by KURAHASHI Ayako.
Golden Oldies
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: NOMURA Hozan – Asa Kaze
Tozan master NOMURA Hozan presents ‘Asa Kaze’ with focus on the solo introduction. This is a piece of modern honkyoku from the Tozan-ryū and it was composed by TOZAN Nakao in 1938.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: TAJIMA Tadashi – Koden Suzuru
TAJIMA Tadashi presents the piece ‘Koden Suzuru’, a honkyoku piece.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Beginners Activity 1
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: NOMURA Hozan – Kan Otsu 1/2
NOMURA Hozan introduces ‘Kan Otsu’, a modern piece composed for shakuhachi by YAMAMOTO Hozan. The workshop’s second part follows directly after.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: NOMURA Hozan – Kan Otsu 2/2
The second part of the workshop. NOMURA Hozan introduces ‘Kan Otsu’, a modern piece composed for shakuhachi by YAMAMOTO Hozan.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Beginners Activity 2
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Horacio CURTI – Improvisation with Sound Materials
The development of our sound should not be a tedious task but a joyful exploration of the riches the instrument has to offer, while researching on our own ideals. We will work with sound and strategies to improve it as well as reflecting on important aspects of posture both in relation to sound and to the musical performance.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Véronique PIRON – Breton Influences: Finis Terrae
‘Finis-Terrae’ (End of Earth) is the name of the most western part of Brittany (West of France), the place of Vèronique PIRON’s roots, and the title of her very first composition (2008). It is an encounter between some simple melodies (from traditional songs) and rythmical patterns (from bagpipes), specially matching with the specific language of the shakuhachi.
New Horizons
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – Honkyoku Basics
FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru and MATAMA Kazushi, the three most senior players and teachers of YOKOYAMA Katsuya’s school, will introduce some basic concepts about playing honkyoku.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: TANABE Shozan – Kari
TANABE Shozan preesents the solo version of ‘Kari’, a composition by YAMAMOTO Hozan.
New Sounds
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Clive BELL – New Shakuhachi in the UK and Harry Potter Snakes
Clive BELL’s shakuhachi career has ranged from the Harry Potter movie soundtrack to improvised collaboration with sound sculptor NAKAJIMA Rie at Cafe Oto – via Karl JENKIN’s Requiem. How comfortable is the shakuhachi – or the player – in these varying contexts? Clive shares his thoughts.
New Horizons
10h00 – 11h10
Lecture: John Kaizan NEPTUNE – Taming the Wild Bore: Fundamentals of Shakuhachi Acoustics 1/2
How many times have you looked down inside a shakuhachi and wondered: “Just where does that sound come from? Why does every piece of bamboo have a unique sound?” The movement of air inside a shakuhachi is extremely complex, but there is beauty and order to the natural universe that is magical. Part 2 of John Kaizan NEPTUNE’s lecture/demonstration follows at 11h30.
The Thing
11h30 – 12h40
Lecture: John Kaizan NEPTUNE – Taming the Wild Bore: Fundamentals of Shakuhachi Acoustics 2/2
Continuation of NEPTUNE’s lecture/demonstration about his approach to making shakuhachi.
The Thing
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: José Seizan VARGAS – Talking with the Wild, Jinashi Making Practical Examples 1/2
At this workshop, we will work with existing flutes, to improve the tuning, response, balance, tone and volume of the jinashi shakuhachi, demonstrating some techniques involved, like moving holes, testing and touching inside the bore, utaguchi adjustments, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring their flutes and try the techniques themselves, or to have their jinashi flutes tested and perhaps adjusted. Part 2 at 15h30.
The Thing
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: José Seizan VARGAS – Talking with the Wild, Jinashi Making Practical Examples 2/2
José Seizan VARGAS presents the second part of his practical workshop about jinashi shakuhachi.
The Thing
17h00 – 18h00
Workshop: TAKAHASHI Toyomi – Bamboo, the Plant, and Bamboo Harvesting
TAKAHASHI Toyomi, player and maker, talks about ‘Bamboo, the plant, and bamboo harvesting’.
The Thing
10h00 – 20h00
Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018
A WSF is also a great opportunity to stock up, for example, on difficult to obtain shakuhachi CDs, notation and, with many of great makers being present, an excellent time to purchase a new instrument or other merchandise.
The Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018 in RHB 150 provides materials from a variety of sellers and is open all day. There, you will also be able to get that official WSF2018 T-Shirt!
Shop RHB150
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- David Hughes, Gina Barnes & Aomori Min’yo Association, shakuhachi – Shimotsui Bushi
- MIURA Ryuho, shakuhachi – Daha
- Yoshie Asano CAMPBELL, voice; Aomori Min’yo Association, shakuhachi – Akita Ondo, Kagoshima Oharabushi
- Elizabeth Reian BENNET, shakuhachi – tba
- SEKI Ichiro, shakuhachi – Kikyo Genso Kyoku
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Golden Oldies
20h00 – 21h30
Evening Concert
Concert Programme:
- KURAHASHI Yodo II, shakuhachi – Jinbo Sanya
- FUJIYOSHI Etsuzan, shakuhachi – Shirahone Reibo
- OBAMA Akihito, KAWAMURA Kizan, KURODA Reison, shakuhachi – A Sketch of Gray Wind (SATO Toshinao)
- SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi, shakuhachi – Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo (SATO Toshinao)
- NOMURA Hozan, shakuhachi – Yoru no Omoi (TOZAN Nakao)
- Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL, shakuhachi; KIMURA Yoko Reikano, koto – Chidori no Kyoku (YOSHIZAWA Kengyo)
- Riley LEE, shakuhachi – Ryuhei
- KAWASE Yosuke, shakuhachi – tba
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
17h00 – 18h15
Afternoon Concert
Concert Programme:
- FUJIYOSHI Etsuzan, shakuhachi – MIYAGAWA Nyozan den Shirabe & Ajikan
- KODAMA Hiroyuki, shakuhachi – Betsuden Shika no Tōne
- LEE Chuan-Hung, shakuhachi – Tsuru no SUGOMORI
- Michael Chikuzen GOULD, shakuhachi – Bosatsu (TANIGUCHI Yoshinobu)
- HOSHIIDA Ichizan, shakuhachi – Kogetsu chō
- YAMADA Fumio, shakuhachi – Tōri, Shirabe
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi, shakuhachi; MIYAZAKI Mieko, koto – Kaei (HOKI Makoto)
- Daniel Seisoku LIFERMANN, shakuhachi; Hélène Seiyu CODJO, shakuhachi – Hamori (ATSUKI Sumi)
- TANABE Shozan, shakuhachi, tba, koto – Shizuka Naru Toki (SAWADA Joji)
- KIKUCHI Naoko, koto – Tori no yo ni (SAWAI Tadao)
- KURODA Reison, shakuhachi – Ran Gyoku (HIGO Ichiro)
- Suizan LAGROST, shakuhachi; MIYAZAKI Mieko, koto – Ichikotsu (YAMAMOTO Hozan)
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
New Sounds
Thursday 2 August 2018
9h00 – 9h40
General gathering and announcements relevant for the day ahead followed by robuki.
WSF2018 Team
10h00 – 11h10
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Ito to take no toki 1/2
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi presents ‘Ito to take no toki’ by SAWAI Hikaru. The second part of the workshops follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Koto and jushichigen accompaniment provided by KIKUCHI Naoko and KITAMURA Keiko.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Ito to take no toki 2/2
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi presents ‘Ito to take no toki’ by SAWAI Hikaru. The second part of the workshop.
Koto and jushichigen accompaniment provided by KIKUCHI Naoko and KITAMURA Keiko.
New Sounds
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: David Kansuke II WHEELER – The Shakuhachi Diaspora
David Kansuke II WHEELER explores the notion of the ‘The Shakuhachi Diaspora’.
Kansuke lived in Japan for twenty years studying and performing the shakuhachi with some of Japan’s finest traditional masters and ensembles, beginning study in Tokyo in 1977 with renowned shakuhachi master KAWASE Junsuke III.
MIXED Themes
14h00 – 15h10
Large Workshop: MIZUNO Komei – Shika no Tōne 1/2
Chikumeisha player MIZUNO Komei presents the classic honkyoku duet ‘Shika no Tōne’. Session 1 of 2.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Large Workshop: MIZUNO Komei – Shika no Tōne 2/2
Second part of Chikumeisha player MIZUNO Komei’s class on ‘Shika no Tōne’.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Riley LEE – Hachigaeshi/Returning the Bowl – What Does That Really Mean?
Riley LEE speaks about the well known honkyoku piece ‘Hachigaeshi’ (Returning the Bowl).
LEE began studying the shakuhachi in 1971 in Japan. In 1980 Riley became the first non-Japanese acknowledged as a shakuhachi dai shihan (Grand Master). His teachers were HOSHIDA Ichizan II, SAKAI Chikuho II and YOKOYAMA Katsuya.
Great Solos
9h00 – 9h40
ESS Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the ESS committee and ESS members.
ESS Members
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – San'an 1/2
The three main teachers from the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan (KSK) present one of the major honkyoku pieces of their lineage: San’an. The workshop’s second part follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – San'an 2/2
FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi present the second part of their workshop on one of the major honkoku pieces of their lineage: San’an.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
ESS Meeting
Continuation of ESS meeting if necessary.
ESS Members
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
15h30 – 16h40
No activity scheduled yet.
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Frank DENYER – The Music of Frank DENYER
The composer, ethnomusicologist and scholar Frank Denyer is one of the most important non-Japanese composers for shakuhachi, having written numerous pieces, many of which were performed and recorded by IWAMOTO Yoshikazu. In this lecture, Denyer discusses his works for shakuhachi and his compositional aesthetic.
New Horizons
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: NOMURA Hozan – Kogarashi 1/2
NOMURA Hozan prsents ‘Kogarashi’. Session 1 of 2, continues at 11h30.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: NOMURA Hozan – Kogarashi 2/2
NOMURA Hozan presents the second part of his workshop on ‘Kogarashi’.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: IZUMI Takeo – Shakuhachi players in art: history and flow
If you hear the word shakuhachi you immediately think of komusō. When was this connection first made? Historically speaking, this is unknown. As the the Fuke sect which the komusō belonged to in the Edo period forged documents, it is hard to pinpoint the truth. Instead we can change our viewpoint and use dated artwork featuring shakuhachi players to try and find an answer.
IZUMI has worked as a curator at the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, a researcher at the Kyoto National Museum, and a professor at Tohoku University. He is Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University and also an honourary librarian at Kyoto National Museum.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: HOSHIDA Ichizan – Momiji 1/2
HOSHIDA Ichizan presents ‘Momiji’, a modern honkyoku composed by NAKAO Tozan in 1929. The second part of the workshop follows immediately afterwards at 15h30.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: HOSHIDA Ichizan – Momiji 2/2
Second part of HOSHIDA Ichizan’s workshop on ‘Momiji’, a modern honkyoku composed by NAKAO Tozan in 1929.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Screening: Shakuhachi and the City
Programme tba
New Horizons
21h30 – 22h30
Late Evening Concert
Concert Programme:
- Tatiana RIVERA, shakuhachi; Dmitry KALININ, shakuhachi – tba
- Joke VERDOOLD, shakuhachi; Albert Jan SCHOUTEN, violin – Inori no Wa (Joke VERDOOLD)
- Luigi Antonio IRLANDINI, shakuhachi – Ākāśa (1st movement) (Luigi Antonio IRLANDINI)
- JIN Huxing, shakuhachi – tba
- Rachel RUDICH, shakuhachi – tba
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Gunnar Jinmei LINDER – Kiku no Tsuyu 1/2
Gunnar Jinmei LINDER presents ‘Kiku no Tsuyu’ composed by HIROHASHI Kōtō (1740?–) with songtext by FUKUSHIN. ‘Kiku no Tsuyu’ is a short hauta-style piece, which is technically quite accessible but demanding in its mode of expression. The title means ‘Dewdrops on the Chrysanthemum’, alluding to the vanity of life, especially an unhappy lovelife, symbolised by the shortlived morning dewdrops. Some interpret it as a requiem for a past lover. The second part, at 11h30, will be with shamisen accompaniment.
Golden Oldies
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Gunnar Jinmei LINDER – Kiku no Tsuyu 2/2
The second part of Gunnar Jinmei LINDER’s workshop on ‘Kiku no Tsuyu’. FUJIMOTO Akiko or SATO Kikuko will provide shamisen accompaniment.
Golden Oldies
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: KODAMA Hiroyuki – Deep into the wild, how a jinashi shakuhachi is made
Jinashi player and maker, KODAMA Hiroyuki talks about his approach to jinashi making.
The Thing
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: KURAHASHI Yodo II – Jinbo San'ya 1/2
KURAHASHI Yodo II teaching ‘Jinbo San’ya’. This is the the first part of the workshop, the second part follows immediately afterwards at 15h30.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: KURAHASHI Yodo II – Jinbo San'ya 2/2
The second part of KURAHASHI Yodo’s workshop on ‘Jinbo San’ya’.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Ralph SAMUELSON – Injuries in Shakuhachi and How to Avoid Them
Many shakuhachi players suffer from hand pain but may be reluctant to talk about it. Ralph SAMUELSON has been challenged by repetitive strain injuries for more than 20 years and will share modalities from East and West that have helped him on his journey. Coping, healing, and recovery require both mental and physical strategies.
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: David HUGHES, Aomori Min'yo Association – Kokiriko, Akita Daikokumai 1/2
David HUGHES and Aomori Min’yō Association invite you to join to play min’yō pieces ‘Kokiriko’ and ‘Akita Daikokumai’. Session 1 of 2, second part follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: David HUGHES, Aomori Min'yo Association – Kokiriko, Akita Daikokumai 2/2
Second part: David HUGHES and Aomori Min’yō Association invite you to join to play min’yō pieces ‘Kokiriko’ and ‘Akita Daikokumai’.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Gunnar Jinmei LINDER – Kaede no Hana
Gunnar Jinmei LINDER introduces ‘Kaede no Hana’, composed by MATSUZAKA Shun’ei (1854–1920) with songtext by OZAKI Shishio (1834–1909). ‘Kaede no Hana’ is one of the koto pieces of the national romantic era. The title means ‘Maple Flowers’ and refers to the blooming of these small flowers in April, and when the flowers fall they become propellered seeds. The songtext depicts nature in early summer in Arashiyama outside Kyoto. Koto accompaniment is provided by KIKUCHI Naoko.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Horacio CURTI – Posture and Sound Development
Horacio CURTI gives advise the correct posture and sound development when practicing or playing shakuhachi.
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Zac ZINGER – 5 Holes, 12 Notes: Chromaticism on Shakuhachi
Jazz player Zac ZINGER’s workshop explores the chromatic possibilities of the shakuhachi. Though the shakuhachi wasn’t built to play modern Western music, the limits of the instrument are constantly being tested in new music and contemporary styles. This workshop will introduce strategies and techniques to overcome the difficulties of playing chromatic music on a five-hole shakuhachi.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Elizabeth BROWN – Learn Loons, from Isle Royale Shakuhachi Duos
Learn this piece directly from the composer. Both Western and Kinko notation will be supplied. Elizabeth BROWN will also talk about hearing shakuhachi with Western-conditioned ears, and how it influences her compositions.
New Horizons
13h00 – 14h00
Learn the basics and more.
Beginners Activity 3
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Jim FRANKLIN – Shakuhachi and Live Electronics
In this workshop, Jim FRANKLIN will discuss the basics of performing the shakuachi with live eletronic processing. Participants will have the hands-on opportunity to try out playing the shakuhachi with analogue and digital processing, and are welcome to bring a laptop with the software PD (Pure Data) loaded and functional, in order to develop ideas from the class. No previous experience in this area is necessary.
New Horizon
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Luigi IRLANDINI – Improvisation with Honkoyku Materials
Luigi IRLANDINI presents a workshop on improvisation with honkoyku materials.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
It is never to late to start the shakuhachi.
Beginners Activity 4
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Daniel Seisoku LIFERMANN, Hélène Seiyu CODJO – Wasan
In this workshop Daniel Seisoku LIFERMANN and Hélène Seiyu CODJO will teach a duet composed by FUKUDA Teruhisa. This piece expresses a deep feeling of peace.
New Sounds
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Suizan LAGROST – Ichikotsu
‘Ichikotsu’ was composed in 1966 by YAMAMOTO Hozan. This famous piece introduces the western practice of dividing pieces into movements, in this case all based on D (壱越). Thanks to his perfect knowledge of the instruments, YAMAMOTO succeeds in revealing the most charming aspects of the koto and the shakuhachi.
Koto accompaniment by MIYAZAKI Mieko.
New Sounds
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: IZUMI Takeo – San'ya
‘San’ya’ is one type of shakuhachi honkyoku, which can be written in many ways, including 三谷, 山谷 and 山也. This performance will be based on WATAZUMI Dozo’s arrangement of ‘Tsugaru Kinpū Ryū Sanya Sugagaki’ and is believed to express a land in the farthest distance.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Steve NOBLE - Free Improvisation: London Meets Japan
Percussionist and free improviser Steve NOBLE will present his approach to improvisation. A practical workshop.
New Sounds
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: KURODA Reison – The Future of Tradition
KURODA Reison, part of the new generation of young japanese shakuhachi players talks about his relationship to the traditional Japanese music in ‘The Future of Tradition’.
New Sounds
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Suizan LAGROST – Tips & Tricks
Posture, breathing, air speed, resonance: how can we make the shakuhachi an easy instrument? All schools and styles welcome.
11h30 – 12h40
Lecture: TAKAHASHI Toyomi – How a shakuhachi is made
In this lecture/demonstration TAKAHASHI Toyomi presents his approach to making shakuhachi.
The Thing
14h00 – 15h10
Lecture: Philip HORAN – My Journey on the Shakuhachi Making Path
The opening section of this class will consist of a short presentation exploring the contribution of Irishman, John James QUIN to the art of Japanese lacquerwork. The central part of the workshop will explore how the construction of shakuhachi affects timbre by examining alternative fingerings. The final part will be an opportunity for participants to play two arrangements using different lengths of shakuhachi: the Irish ‘Kimigayo’ and a piece influenced by Saint Patrick’s ‘Shika no Tone.’
The Thing
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Philip HORAN – Irish/Celtic music for shakuhachi
This workshop will include a demonstration of different genres of Celtic music performed on shakuhachi. Participants will be taught some Irish dance tunes. The use of alternative fingerings to minimise the movement of fingers in fast passages will be explained and illustrated.
New Horizons
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: YOSHIKAWA Shigeru – Physics and Shakuhachi Acoustics
The sō (koto), satsuma biwa, and shakuhachi are made of the paulownia (kiri), mulberry (kuwa), and bamboo (madake), respectively. Why and how these specific woods are traditionally used for these musical instruments. Woods common in musical instruments are typically softwoods, hardwoods, and monocots (bamboo). Based on the characteristics of vibration, its transmission, and its radiation, various woods are classified, and “the right wood in the right place” for strings, woodwinds, and percussions as well as the peculiarity of Japanese instruments is considered. YOSHIKAWA Shigeru is a Scholar, Acoustician and Performer.
The Thing
10h00 – 20h00
Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018
A WSF is also a great opportunity to stock up, for example, on difficult to obtain shakuhachi CDs, notation and, with many of great makers being present, an excellent time to purchase a new instrument or other merchandise.
The Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018 in RHB 150 provides materials from a variety of sellers and is open all day. There, you will also be able to get that official WSF2018 T-Shirt!
Shop RHB150
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- SUTO Shuho, shakuhachi – Shirabe, Sagariha
- José Seizan VARGAS, shakuhachi – Shizu
- YOSHIKAWA Shigeru, shakuhachi – Kokū
- KAWAMURA Kizan, shakuhachi – Kogarashi
- ISO Genmyo, shakuhachi</em – Oborozuki (TSUNODA Rogetsu)
- TAJIMA Tadashi, shakuhachi – Tsuru no Sugomori
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Great Solos
20h00 – 21h30
Evening Concert
Concert Programme:
- KAKIZAKAI Kaoru, shakuhachi – San’an
- Aomori Min’yo Association, shakuhachi – Tsugaru Aiya Bushi, Tsugaru Yama Uta
- OKUDA Atsuya, shakuhachi – Kyū Myōan Shinpo Ryū Betsuden Tsuru no Sugomori
- Clive BELL, shakuhachi; Jim FRANKLIN, shakuhachi – Improvisation for two shakuhachi and live electronics
- SHIMURA Zenpo, shakuhachi – Takiochi
- John Kaizan NEPTUNE, shakuhachi; NOMURA Hozan, shakuhachi; TANABE Shozan, shakuhachi; OBAMA Akihito, shakuhachi – Roots and Branches (J. NEPTUNE)
- FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru, MATAMA Kazushi, shakuhachi – Fudo III (KINEYA Seiho)
- MIZUNO Komei, shakuhachi; KURAHASHI Ayako, shamisen – Kurokami
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
17h00 – 18h15
Afternoon Concert
Concert Programme:
- KURAHASHI Yodo II, shakuhachi – Jinbo Sanya (URAYAMA Ginzan)
- James Nyoraku SCHLEFER, shakuhachi – Brooklyn Sanya (J. SCHLEFER)
- Vlastislav MATOUSEK, shakuhachi; Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL, shakuhachi; Kiku DAY, shakuhachi;Jim FRANKLIN, shakuhachi; Veronika MATOUSEK, voice – Aleatorica for 4 Shakuhachi, with (parallel) Via Prophetiae (V. MATOUSEK)
- TAKEO Izumi, shakuhachi – San’ya
- SABU Orimo, shakuhachi – improvisation
- Suizan LAGROST, shakuhachi – Three Haikus (John PALMER)
- Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL, shakuhachi – Byō (HIROSE Ryohei)
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Tribute to Ronnie Nyogetsu SELDIN / Mixed Programme
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- James Nyoraku SCHLEFER, shakuhachi; Kenneth WOODS, cello – Sidewalk Dances (J. SCHLEFER)
- Marco LIENHARD, shakuhachi; Steve COHN, shakuhachi; JOJI Hirota, taiko – Improvisation
- OBAMA Akihito, shakuhachi; Steve NOBLE, percussion – Improvisation
- Anne NORMAN, shakuhachi – Whispered Shadows/影のささやき (A. NORMAN) première
- ENOMOTO Shusui, shakuhachi; Tim HODGKINSON, clarinet or lap steel guitar – Improvisation
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
New Horizons
Friday 3 August 2018
9h00 – 9h40
General gathering and announcements relevant for the day ahead followed by robuki.
Also first rehearsal for the specially commissioned group piece by Verity LANE.
WSF2018 Team
10h00 – 11h10
Large Workshop: KAWASE Yosuke – tba 1/2
KAWASE Yosuke is a Kinko Ryū Chikuyusha shakuhachi performer, son of KAWASE Junsuke III and heir to the Chikuyusha linegage iemoto, and teacher of the Nezasa-ha style of honkyoku. The second part of the workshop follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Large Workshop: KAWASE Yosuke – tba 2/2
The second part of the workshop. KAWASE Yosuke is a Kinko Ryū Chikuyusha shakuhachi performer, son of KAWASE Junsuke III and heir to the Chikuyusha linegage iemoto, and teacher of the Nezasa-ha style of honkyoku.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: KURUHASHI Yodo II – The JIN Nyodo Lineage
KURUHASHI Yodo II speaks about the JIN Nyodo lineage. JIN Nyodo (1891 – 1966) was a direct descendant in the lineage of the Fuke sect.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Renzan 1/2
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi on the piece ‘Renzan’ . This is the first part of the workshop, the second part follows immediately afterwards at 15h30.
‘Renzan’ is a modern piece from the Sawai School and was composed for shakuhachi by SAWAI Tadao in 1969.
New Sounds
15h30 – 16h40
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Renzan 2/2
This is the second part of the workshop presented by SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi on the piece ‘Renzan’, a modern piece from the Sawai School and was composed for shakuhachi by SAWAI Tadao in 1969.
New Sounds
17h00 – 18h00
Panel Discussion: Shakuhachi - the Future
Panel Discussion: Shakuhachi – the Future. Panel members include YAMAGUCHI Shugetsu, Cornelius BOOTS, Frank DENYER, Lindsay DUGAN, SEIAN Genshin, Kiku DAY. (to be confirmed)
Mixed Themes
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Suizan LAGROST – Iwashimizu
NAKAO Tozan was a highly religious man who prayed every morning, whether at home or when travelling. He particularly liked the temple Iwashimizu Hachimangū in Ōsaka, which inspired in 1904 the piece ‘Iwashimizu’, one of the foremost honkyoku pieces of Tozan school repertoire.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – Shingetsu
FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi present their workshop on honkoku piece ‘Shingetsu’.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: NOMURA Hozan – Development of Tozan Repertoire in 20th Century
NOMURA Hozan has attained the rank of ‘Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Chikurinken Daishihan’. He was an external lecturer teaching shakuhachi at the Department of Japanese Traditional Music at Tokyo University of Performing Arts between 2016 and 2017 and is presently an external lecturer at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music.
New Sounds
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – Min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: David HUGHES, Gina BARNES – Min'yō
Another chance to experience the world of min’yō.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Marty REGAN – The Music of Marty REGAN
The composer and shakuhachi player Marty REGAN speaks about his approach to composing for shakuhachi.
New Horizons
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: David Kansuke II WHEELER – Onoe no Matsu
David Kansuke II WHEELER presents ‘Onoe no Matsu’ with accompaniment by FUJIMOTO Akiko and SATO Kikuko.
Golden Oldies
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: HOSHIDA Ichizan – Fundamentals of Shakuhachi Playing
In this on technique focused workshop, HOSHIDA Ichizan looks at the fundamentals of shakuhachi playing.
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: YAMADA Fumio – Zen Buddhism and Shakuhachi
YAMADA Fumio is a designated holder of Aomori Prefecture Intangible Folk Cultural Asset for Nezasa Ha Kinpū Ryū shakuhachi.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – Min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
17h00 – 18h00
Screening: Shakuhachi and the City
Programme tba
New Horizons
21h30 – 22h30
Late Evening Concert
Concert Programme:
- Dietmar Ippu HERRIGER, shakuhachi; ISO Genmyo, shakuhachi – Itchoken Shika no Tōne
- TAKAHASHI Renkaizan, shakuhachi; TAKAHASHI Gaho, koto; TAKAHASHI Utaiku, shamisen – Kurokami
- Rob FOSTER, shakuhachi – tba
- Danilo TOMIC, shakuhachi – own composition
- Marek MATVIJA and partner(s), shakuhachi – Improvisation
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: ISO Genmyo – Kumoi Jishi
This workshop will start with zazen (sitting on chairs) in order to prepare our breathing, followed by robuki. After that, ISO Genmyo will lecture on ‘Kumoi Jishi’ from the Itchoken lineage. ISO Genmyo is the Head Priest of Itchoken Temple Myoan Ryū.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: TAJIMA Tadashi – Tsuru no Sugomori
TAJIMA Tadashi presents the classic and expressive honkyoku ‘Tsuru no Sugomori’.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Ralph SAMUELSON – Henry Cowell: The Universal Flute
The Universal Flute, for solo shakuhachi, is a 1946 work by the pioneering American composer Henry COWELL. It is the first known American composition for the instrument. The workshop will review COWELL’s long friendship with his shakuhachi teacher TAMADA Kitaro, who had emigrated from Aomori to California, and will study both the original score and a transcription in Kinko notation.
New Horizons
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: FUJIYOSHI Etsuzan – Itchoken Kyushu Reiboi
In this workshop FUJIYOSHI Etsuzan will look at ‘Kyushu Reibo’ – a piece that clearly demonstrates the unique characteristics of honkyoku from Kyushu region with a clear but multi-faceted changes of merihari (liveliness) in ‘u’ and in the yuri. In order to assist everybody in understanding the principles of irete (入れ手), the fundamental theory and the piece will be lined up and explained.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Workshop: Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL – Shakuhachi, Aikido and Body Awareness
This workshop will focus on how to relax while using the body more effectively. Participants will utilize simple techniques from the martial art Aikido to help focus attention on body awareness and how to relieve tension while playing and moving. (Besides playing shakuhachi, BLASDEL is also a 4th degree blackbelt in Aikido!).
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Adrian FREEDMAN – Seijaku & Pranayama
Adrian FREEDMAN will introduce his piece ‘Seijaku’, which blends elements of honkyoku style with lyrical phrases in the Aeolian mode. The essence of this piece lies in the extended long notes and in the silences between the notes. Adrian will demonstrate some yogic Pranayama breath control exercises and other breathing techniques that can assist with playing long notes and with tone control.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – Min'yō
The fantastic Aomori Min’yō Association invite you to join to play min’yō pieces.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Brian RITCHIE – Old Man Sankyoku Punk
Brian RITCHIE’s Old Man Sankyoku Punk – come to find out more.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: YAMAGUCHI Shugetsu – Between Jinashi and Jiari
A lecture/workshop presented by YAMAGUCHI Shugetsu.
The Thing
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Michael Chikuzen GOULD – Bosatsu
Michael Chikuzen GOULD presents ‘Bosatsu’ a compilation made by TANIGUCHI Yoshinobu. It consists of signature riffs from various honkyoku; starting with Goreika-a pilgrimage song, then folk music, then parts of ‘Tsuru no Sugomori’, ‘San An’, ‘Yamagoe’, an Edo lullaby, and ending with the pilgrimage. TANIGUCHI sensei composed the links between the riffs. So, this could be called a “highlight reel” of various honkyoku.
New Sounds
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: KURODA Reison – Ran Gyoku
KURODA Reison presents ‘Ran Gyoku’ by HIGO Ichiro. KURODA studied under Living National Treasure AOKI Reibo and AOKI Shouji.
New Sounds
13h00 – 14h00
Make your first steps, it is rewarding.
Beginners Activity 5
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: KURODA Reison – Haru no Yo
KURODA Reison introduces ‘Haru no Yo’, a composition by MIYAGI Michio. Koto accompaniment by KITAMURA Keiko.
New Sounds
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: KAWAMURA Kizan – Tozan-specific techniques
KAWAMURA Kizan, a Tozan Ryū Grand Master and assistant lecturer and a member of the Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Music Association, the Taizan-kai, will show the various specific techniques used by the Tozan Ryū .
New Sounds
17h00 – 18h00
The first sound will come.
Beginners Activity 6
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Marco LIENHARD – Taiko and Shakuhachi
This workshop explores how the shakuhachi has been used as part of the renaissance of Taiko in Japan. An unlikely combination of instruments, but it could be considered a Japanese form of “jazz”.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Steve COHN – Approaches to Improvisation with Shakuhachi
Steve COHN’s workshop will focus specifically on his style of improvisation. Participants will harmonize with others and learn his extended techniques for example vocalizing and playing at the same time. There is bending, sliding, going in and out of octaves, patterns and riffs etc. Four scales will be introduced: pentatonic, blues, honkyoku and chromatic. Feel free to bring other instruments as well.
New Horizons
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: OBAMA Akihito – Shōsōin Shakuhachi and Recent Experiments
In his workshop/lecture OBAMA Akihito presents shōsōin shakuhachi and recent experiments.
New Horizons
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Cornelius BOOTS – 'Bamboo Gospel': Expanding into Deep Blues, Rock and Metal with Solo Shakuhachi
Solo, unaccompanied shakuhachi offers multiple dimensions of sound, musicality and expressiveness. In addition to the well-worn paths of melody and space, shakuhachi also enjoys texture, pulse and dynamism. By playing riffs, gestures, structures and alternate roles (beyond melody) from blues, rock and metal, we boldly expand into new and engaging possibilities. (*includes brief circular breathing transmission/vital breath explanation.)
New Horizons
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: TANABE Shozan – How to Teach Beginners Shakuhachi
TANABE Shozan is a Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Chikurin-ken Grand Master and a part-time faculty member at the Tokyo University of the Arts.
Mixed Themes
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: SHIMURA Zenpo – Selecting a Jinashi Shakuhachi: The Experience of Extreme Long Shakuhachi 1/2
SHIMURA Zenpo:’s 2-part workshop about extreme long jinashi shakuhachi. The second part follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
The Thing
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: SHIMURA Zenpo – Selecting a Jinashi Shakuhachi: The Experience of Extreme Long Shakuhachi 2/2
Second part of SHIMURA Zenpo’s workshop about selecting a jinashi shakuhachi.
The Thing
14h00 – 15h10
Lecture: TAKAHASHI Toyomi – Shakuhachi Repair
In this lecture/demonstration TAKAHASHI Toyomi shares his expertise in shakuhachi repair.
The Thing
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: KAKIZAKAI Kaoru – Tricks and Tips
Tricks and tips from KAKIZAKAI Kaoru, one of the principal instructors and administrators of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan and their Chichibu district head.
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: MIURA Ryuho – How my shakuhachi are made, the contemporary shakuhachi
The great shakuhachi maker MIURA Ryuho talks about his methods and approach to contemporary shakuhachi making.
The Thing
10h00 – 20h00
Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018
A WSF is also a great opportunity to stock up, for example, on difficult to obtain shakuhachi CDs, notation and, with many of great makers being present, an excellent time to purchase a new instrument or other merchandise.
The Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018 in RHB 150 provides materials from a variety of sellers and is open all day. There, you will also be able to get that official WSF2018 T-Shirt!
Shop RHB150
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert – Focus: Frank DENYER
Concert Programme:
- KAWAMURA Kizan, shakuhachi; tba, percussion – Wheat (Frank DENYER)
- Emmanuelle ROUAUD, shakuhachi; TAKAHASHI Gaho, koto – I thought about Eva (Henri ALGADAFE) première
- Véronique PIRON, shakuhachi; Lydia DOMANCICH, piano – Treuzell (Footbridge) (L. DOMANCICH/V. PIRON) première
- Kiku DAY, shakuhachi – Woman with Jinashi Shakuhachi (Frank DENYER)
- ZENYOJI Keisuke, shakuhachi – Yō (TAKAHASHI Kumiko)
- KURODA Reison, shakuhachi – Winged Play (Frank DENYER)
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
New Horizons
20h00 – 21h30
Evening Concert
Concert Programme:
- David Kansuke II WHEELER, shakuhachi; FUJIMOTO Akiko, shamisen; SATO Kikuko, koto – Mama no Kawa (KIKUOKA Kengyo)
- OBAMA Akihito, shakuhachi – Getsumei Sansui (OBAMA Akihito)
- Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL, shakuhachi; Koto: WATANABE Okahana, koto; SASAKI Chikano, koto; HAGIOKA Yuko, shamisen – Nasuno (YAMADA Kengyo)
- ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu, shakuhachi – Ittei (KINEYA Seiho)
- David HUGHES, shamisen; Gina BARNES, shinobue; & Aomori Min’yo Association, shakuhachi – Tsugaru Aiya Bushi, Tsugaru Yama Uta
- FUJIYOSHI Etsuzan, shakuhachi – TAKAHASHI Kuzan den Oshū Reihō
- MATAMA Kazushi, shakuhachi – Daha
- Richard STAGG, shakuhachi & Octandre Ensemble – After the Rain (Frank DENYER)
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
17h00 – 18h15
Afternoon Concert
Concert Programme:
- Michael Chikuzen GOULD, shakuhachi – Suzuru
- SUTO Shuho, shakuhachi – Matsukaze no Shirabe, Matsukaze
- NOMURA Hozan, shakuhachi – Iwashimizu (NAKAO Tozan)
- YAMADA Fumio, shakuhachi – Katotsuke, Sagariha
- Hélène Seiyu CODJO, shakuhachi; Daniel Seisoku LIFERMANN, shakuhachi – Renbo Sugomori (arrang. FUKUDA Teruhisa)
- SEIAN Genshin, shakuhachi; Daniel RIBBLE, shakuhachi – Myōan Shika no Tōne
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- DAN Shinku, shakuhachi – Minamoto no Unkai den Ajikan
- TAJIMA Tadashi, shakuhachi – Yamagoe
- MIZUNO Komei, shakuhachi; FUJIMOTO Akiko, shamisen; SATO Kikuko, koto – Nebiki no matsu (MINEZAKI Koto/MITSUHASHI Koto)
- Horacio CURTI, shakuhachi – Sokkan
- ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu, shakuhachi – Shingetsu
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Great Solos/Golden Oldies
Saturday 4 August 2018
9h00 – 9h40
General gathering and announcements relevant for the day ahead followed by robuki.
Second rehearsal for the specially commissioned group piece by Verity LANE.
WSF2018 Team
10h00 – 11h10
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Dosei 1/2
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi’s workshop about the pieice ‘Dosei’ by SAWAI Hikaru. KIKUCHI Nakao provides koto accompaniment. The second part of the workshop follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Large Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Dosei 2/2
The second part of the workshop. SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi’s teaches the pieice ‘Dosei’ by SAWAI Hikaru. KIKUCHI Nakao provides koto accompaniment.
New Horizons
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: KAWAMURA Kizan – Tozan-specific Techniques
KAWAMURA Kizan, a Tozan Ryū Grand Master and assistant lecturer and a member of the Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Music Association, the Taizan-kai, will show the various specific techniques used by the Tozan Ryū .
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Large Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – Koku 1/2
The three main teachers from the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan (KSK) present ‘Koku’, one of the major honkyoku pieces in their lineage. The workshop’s second part follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Large Workshop: FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru & MATAMA Kazushi – Koku 2/2
This is the second part of the workshop about honkyoku ‘Koku’. Presented by the three main teachers from the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan (KSK).
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: David HUGHES, Aomori Min'yō Association – About Min'yō
David HUGHES, specialist in Japanese traditional folk song, and Aomori Min’yō Association talk about the music tradition min’yō.
Great Solos/Min'yō
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Riley LEE – Raft Song at Sunrise
Riley LEE’s workshop about ‘Raft Song at Sunrise’ a contemporary composition by Ross EDWARDS.
LEE began studying the shakuhachi in 1971 in Japan. In 1980 Riley became the first non-Japanese acknowledged as a shakuhachi dai shihan (Grand Master). His teachers were HOSHIDA Ichizan II, SAKAI Chikuho II and YOKOYAMA Katsuya.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: YAMADA Fumio – Fuke sect and Shakuhachi
A lecture/workshop about the Fuke sect and their relation to shakuhachi presented by YAMADA Fumio.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
No activity scheduled yet.
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Michael Soumei COXALL – Sono no Aki 1/2
Michael Soumei COXALL presents ‘Sono no Aki’ (A Garden in Autumn) composed by Kikuoka KIKUOKA Kengyo (1791 – 1847) Kikuoka Kengyo was a virtuoso shamisen player and composer in Kyoto who brought traditional jiuta tegotomono pieces to a new perfection in the first part of the 19th century. This piece is based on a poem describing the life of the courtesans in the cultured pleasure quarters of Kyoto and comparing them to the seven flowers of autumn.
The second part of the workshop follows immediately afterwards at 11h30.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Michael Soumei COXALL – Sono no Aki 2/2
The second part of the workshop. Michael Soumei COXALL presents ‘Sono no Aki’ (A Garden in Autumn) composed by Kikuoka KIKUOKA Kengyo (1791 – 1847).
With string accompaniment by Fujimoto FUJIMOTO Akiko and SATO Kikuko.
Golden Oldies
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: DAN Shinku – Fuke Shakuhachi: The idiosyncrasies of making and playing the jinashi nobekan
DAN Shinku was born in Tokyo in 1955 and has been playing several instruments since childhood. In 1978 he entered TAKAYANAGI Masayuki’s school Renjuku and his main interest shifted towards improvised music. He began to perform improvised music on guitar, moog, synthesizer, saxophone and bamboo flutes.
The Thing
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Yoshie Asano CAMPBELL – Kagoshima Oharabushi
Yoshie Asano CAMPBELL’s workshop on min’yō singing. A great opportunity to experience this wonderful vocal style, the piece is ‘Kagoshima Oharabushi’. With the Aomori Min’yo Association.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: David Kansuke II WHEELER – Ōmi Hakkei
A lecture/workshop lead by David Kansuke II WHEELER on ‘Ōmi Hakkei’. A piece in the Yamada style
Golden Oldies
13h00 – 14h00
Lecture: SEKI Ichiro – Japonism in Europe and Modernism in Japan 2/2
SEKI Ichiro gives a lecture about ‘Japonism in Europe and Modernism in Japan.’ (Second part, first part on Wednesday 1 August at 17h00 in LG 01)
SEKI is a leading shakuhachi performer and composer from Tokyo. He studied shakuhachi with YOKOYAMA Katsuya and composition with AOSHIMA Hiroshi, MIZUNO Shuko, MATSUDAIRA Yoriaki and TAKAHASHI Yuji.
New Sounds
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop:YAMADA Fumio – Chōshi
YAMADA Fumio is a designated holder of Aomori Prefecture Intangible Folk Cultural Asset for Nezasa Ha Kinpū Ryū shakuhachi teaches the honkyoku piece ‘Chōshi’.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: SUTO Shuho – To-ri and Koya-san Shingon-shu Shomyo
Kinpū Ryū shakuhachi is suizen, i.e. meditation / prayer. Shōmyō at Koyasan is a praise of Buddha-virtue. For SUTO-san, both Kinpū Ryū and shōmyō chant reverberate out into the heavens with the aim of unity with the great gods and Buddhas. ‘Tori’ (通里) is also known as a piece that Fuke monks would play as a ‘transfer of merit’ (‘May this good deed extend and spread to all, realizing the Buddha-way in oneself together with all sentient beings’) at the border of the next village looking back on the village just visited, for the people there, including prayer for the village to be safe from disaster. Kinpū Ryū, incidentally, is played vigorously, without plodding phrases or extended intervals.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Screening: Shakuhachi and the City
Programme tba
New Horizons
21h30 – ?
Party & Farewell Gathering
Don’t miss the opportunity to say good-bye and party! The exact location and more details yet to be announced. Entertainment provided by the Aomori Min’yō Association.
Everybody and all levels welcome!
Mixed Programme
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: TAJIMA Tadashi – Daha
TAJIMA Tadashi, one of Japan’s leading international shakuhachi performers, and the founder and head of Jikisho Ryū leads a workshop on the honkyoku ‘Daha’.
Great Solos
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: TAJIMA Tadashi – Nezasaha Shirabe
TAJIMA Tadashi, one of Japan’s leading international shakuhachi performers, and the founder and head of Jikisho Ryū leads a workshop on the honkyoku ‘Nezasaha Shirabe’.
Great Solos
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: Riley LEE – Gyo Mukaiji
Riley LEE presents honkyoku ‘Gyo Mukaiji’.
Riley LEE began studying the shakuhachi in 1971 in Japan. In 1980 Riley became the first non-Japanese acknowledged as a shakuhachi dai shihan (Grand Master). His teachers were HOSHIDA Ichizan II, SAKAI Chikuho II and YOKOYAMA Katsuya.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: SEIAN Genshin – Myōan Chōshi
SEIAN Genshin, the 42nd kansu of Myōanji Temple in Sanuku, Japan, presents the honkyoku ‘Myōan Chōshi’.
Great Solos
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Zac ZINGER – What is Jazz Shakuhachi, Really?
The traditional musics of Japan and the USA don’t seem to have much in common – one fosters deep introspection, while the other encourages radiant expression. So what does “jazz shakuhachi” really mean? ZINGER’s lecture seeks to provide an answer by exploring the jazz vocabulary, borrowing traditional shakuhachi techniques in the jazz medium, and examining what the concept of this fusion represents culturally.
New Sounds
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: ZENYOJI Keisuke – Matsukaze
ZENYOJI Keisuke presents ‘Matsukaze’ (Yamada style).
ZENYOJI was initiated into komusō shakuhachi at the age of six. Besides holding degrees from Tokyo University of Fine Arts in Japanese Traditional Music, ZENYOJI studied under ‘Living National Treasure’, YAMAGUCHI Goro.
Golden Oldies
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL – Rokudan
Christopher Yohmei BLASDEL leads a workshop on ‘Rokudan-no-Shirabe’, a piece consisting of six movements with thematic material that is constantly evolving and undergoing change. ‘Rokudan’ is usually considered representative of 16th century Japanese koto music and is also almost always included in any overseas performances of traditional Japanese music. This piece is accessible to the foreign audience because it purely an instrumental piece, without lyrics.
KITAMURA Keiko provides the koto accompaniment.
Golden Oldies
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: MIZUNO Komei – Nebiki no Matsu
MIZUNO Komei, Kinko Ryū Chikumeisha, presents a workshop on ‘Nebiki no Matsu’.
FUJIMOTO Akiko and SATO Kikuko provide the strings accompaniments.
Golden Oldies
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: Aomori Min'yō Association – min'yō
Aomori Min’yō Association (Aomori Min’yō Kyōkai) presents a min’yō workshop.
Golden Oldies/Min'yō
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: TANABE Shozan – Meikyō
TANABE Shozan leads a workshop on ‘Meikyō’, composed by KINEHA Seiyo in 1950 (shakuhachi part and 1975 (shamisen part).
Shamisen accompaniment by MIYAZAKI Mieko.
New Sounds
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: Riley LEE – Yamato Chōshi
Riley LEE presents honkyoku ‘Yamato Chōshi’.
Riley LEE began studying the shakuhachi in 1971 in Japan. In 1980 Riley became the first non-Japanese acknowledged as a shakuhachi dai shihan (Grand Master). His teachers were HOSHIDA Ichizan II, SAKAI Chikuho II and YOKOYAMA Katsuya.
Great Solos
13h00 – 14h00
Very good progress.
Beginners Activity 7
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Kata Ashi Torii no Eizo 1/2
SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi leads a workshop on ‘Kata Ashi Torii no Eizo’, a composition by SATO Toshinao. The second part of the workshop follows immediately afterwards at 15h30.
New Sounds
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi – Kata Ashi Torii no Eizo 2/2
The second part of the workshop by SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi on ‘Kata Ashi Torii no Eizo’, a composition by SATO Toshinao.
New Sounds
17h00 – 18h00
Sounds very good already. Congratulations.
Beginners Activity 8
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: Anne NORMAN – Techniques in Alternating Sung Lyrics and Blown Notes
This workshop introduces techniques in alternating sung lyrics and blown notes; unison passages and polyphonic harmonising, and methods to improve intonation and dynamic timbral contrasts. These were partly inspired by the end blown flute songs of the pygmies of Central Africa, and Anne Norman’s desire to accompany herself in song on shakuhachi. Participants will receive a page of excerpts and exercises in staff notation with Kinko tablature above it.
New Horizons
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: James Nyoraku SCHLEFER – The Art of Practice/Brooklyn Sanya.
In this workshop participants will learn James Nyoraku SCHLEFER’s composition ‘Brooklyn Sanya’, but in addition to simply learning the piece, SCHLEFER will present numerous practice techniques and methods to develop the embouchure, improve sound and strengthen technical ability. Players of all levels will be able to benefit from a renewed joy in daily practice.
New Horizons
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: SABU Orimo – Pieces from Wind Songs
Jinashi player SABU Orimo will introduce one of his pieces from ‘Wind Songs’ recording.
New Horizons
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: John EDWARDS – Free Improvisation: London Meets Japan
Double bass player and free improviser John EDWARDS will present his approach to improvisation. A practical workshop. From the series: London meets Japan.
New Horizons
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: Marco LIENHARD – New Sounds in the USA - Taiko and Shakuhachi
Taiko with bamboo flutes has been performed for many centuries in different settings. In this lecture, Marco LIENHARD outlines a new approach to this combination with samples of the traditional as well as the new.
Marco LIENHARD is the current director of the New York-based Taikoza (taiko, shakuhachi and dance ensemble) and, while living in Japoan (1981-1998), was a member of Ondekoza, the legendary Japanese professional Taiko group.
New Sounds
10h00 – 11h10
Workshop: José Seizan VARGAS – The Many Ways to be a Shakuhachi: Comparing Old and New Instruments
This workshop is intended for participants to listen and play as many different shakuhachi as possible, from old Edo jinashi to modern style jiari. Also, people can bring their shakuhachi to be played and tested by other players.
The Thing
11h30 – 12h40
Workshop: John Kaizan NEPTUNE – Tips & Tricks: Ideas for Practice
John Kaizan NEPTUNE’s workshop for all levels. Bring a 1.8 and let’s explore how to practice with focus and energy to improve your sound and technique to play the kind of music you want to play!
14h00 – 15h10
Workshop: SEIAN Genshin – Breathing and Bodywork for Honkyoku
SEIAN Genshin, the 42nd kansu of Myōanji Temple, leads a workshop on breathing and bodywork for honkyoku.
Great Solos
15h30 – 16h40
Workshop: MIURA Ryuho – The Long Road to Shakuhachi: The Development of Long Jiari Making
The great shakuhachi maker MIURA Ryuho talks about his methods and approach to long jiari shakuhachi making.
The Thing
17h00 – 18h00
Lecture: SHIMURA Zenpo – The historical development of the shakuhachi: mutating changes
SHIMURA Zenpo talks about the historical development of the shakuhachi.
The Thing
10h00 – 20h00
Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018
A WSF is also a great opportunity to stock up, for example, on difficult to obtain shakuhachi CDs, notation and, with many of great makers being present, an excellent time to purchase a new instrument or other merchandise.
The Shakuhachi Bazaar WSF2018 in RHB 150 provides materials from a variety of sellers and is open all day. There, you will also be able to get that official WSF2018 T-Shirt!
Shop RHB150
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- Gunnar Jinmei LINDER, shakuhachi; FUJIMOTO Akiko, koto – Kiku no Tsuyu (HIROHASHI Koto)
- KODAMA Hiroyuki, shakuhachi – 7-dan Tsuru no Sugomori
- Yoshie Asano CAMPBELL, voice; Aomori Min’yo Association, shakuhachi – Aizu Bandaisan
- OKUDA Atsuya, shakuhachi – Nerisaji
- Michael Soumei COXALL, shakuhachi; KITAMURA Keiko, koto – Yoru no Uta (HISAMOTO Genchi)
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Golden Oldies/Great Solos
20h00 – 21h30
Grand Finale Concert
Concert Programme:
- GROUP PIECE, Participants & Soloists – new commission (Verity LANE) première
- David Kansuke II WHEELER, shakuhachi; WATANABE Okahana, koto; HAGIOKA Yuko, koto; SASAKI Chikanoshamisen – Ōmi Hakkei (YAMATO Manwa)
- ISHIKAWA Toshimitu, shakuhachi; KIKUCHI Naoko, koto – Kagen Hissho (HIGO Ichiro)
- Winner of Hōgaku Journal International Shakuhachi Competition – tba
- KAWAMURA Kizan, shakuhachi; MIYAZAKI Mieko, koto – Zangetsu (Minezaki KOTO)
- FURUYA Teruo, KAKIZAKAI Kaoru, MATAMA Kazushi, shakuhachi – Fudo (one movement) (KINEYA Seiho)
- KURAHASHI Yodo II, shakuhachi; TANABE Shozan, shakuhachi; SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi, shakuhachi; strings: KIKUCHI Naoko, MIYAZAKI Mieko, KITAMURA Keiko, KURAHASHI Ayako; KIMURA Yoko Reikano; TAKAHASHI Yoshie – Shakuhachi Concerto (Marty REGAN) première
- SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi, shakuhachi; KIKUCHI Naoko, jushichigen – Dosei (SAWAI Hikaru)
- Riley LEE, shakuhachi – Raft Song at Sunrise (Ross EDWARDS)
- ZENYOJI Keisuke , shakuhachi; WATANABE Okahana, koto; HAGIOKA Yuko, koto; SASAKI Chikano, shamisen – Matsukaze (NAKANOSHIMA Kengyo)
- FURUYA Teruo, shakuhachi – Ukigumo
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
Mixed Programme
17h00 – 18h15
Afternoon Concert
Concert Programme:
- TANABE Shozan, shakuhachi; MIYAZAKI Mieko, shamisen – Kai (MIYAZAKI M.) première
- Ralph SAMUELSON, shakuhachi – Prelude to Watermill (TEIJI Ito)
- Steve COHN, shakuhachi – One Man’s Language (Solo improvisation)
- SEKI Ichiro, shakuhachi; KURODA Reison, shakuhachi; KAWAMURA Kizan, shakuhachi; OBAMA Akihito, shakuhachi – Composition for four shakuhachi based on Japanese folksongs (SEKI I.) première
- Horacio CURTI, shakuhachi – Interludes from ‘Home is Now’ (H. CURTI)
- Cornelius BOOTS, shakuhachi – Green Swampy Water (C. BOOTS)
- Jim FRANKLIN, shakuhachi & electronics – new commission (Daniel James ROSS) première
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
New Sounds/New Horizons
13h00 – 14h00
Lunchtime Concert
Concert Programme:
- Elizabeth BROWN – Dialect (E. BROWN) première
- Zac ZINGER, shakuhachi; Alan BENZIE, piano – Jazz improvisation
- Adrian FREEDMAN, shakuhachi – Seijaku, Stillness (A. FREEDMAN)
- ORIMO Sabu, shakuhachi; Jennifer ALLUM, violin – Free improvisation
- HOSHIIDA Ichizan, shakuhachi – Yes You Are (YOSHINURI Nashiki)
- KURODA Reison, shakuhachi; John EDWARDS, double bass – Free improvisation
The exact content of the concerts and the order of pieces are still subject to change. The list above is provisional, and will be updated regularly.
New Horizons
première special commissions and new compositions written for the WSF2018 in London.
Elementary assumes that the player can obtain kari notes in otsu with reasonable security, is familiar with kan notes, even if still learning to produce them reliably, and has some basic idea of meri notes, even if intonation may be unstable.
Intermediate assumes that the player is secure with kari notes in otsu and kan, and is capable of producing meri notes reliably in both octaves, with reasonably reliable intonation
Advanced assumes that the player has a high degree of proficiency and control in production of meri and kari tones in otsu and kan, and is familiar with daikan notes. Intonation is reliable and stable, with good control of shaping and shading of dynamics, timbre and pitch.
Please note: It is sometimes useful for participants to attend workshops at higher level than that at which they find themselves. If one attempts to play at least slightly beyond one’s perceived capacity, one often discovers that, particularly in the synergy of a group workshop, one is carried by the group to a higher level. Additionally, even if one cannot play at the required level, the experience of hearing a piece taught by an expert teacher and of hearing more advanced players working on it can lead to insights into the nature of one’s own limitations and how to overcome them. So simply sitting in on and listening to a workshop at a higher level can be a valuable experience.
For an outline of the 5 Themes (Great Solos, Golden Oldies, New Sounds, New Horizons and The Thing) please see our About WSF2018 page.
WSF2018 room guide
大ホール – 大ホール – リチャード・ホガート・ビル(本館)内ゴールドスミス・大ホール
町政庁舎 – デットフォード町政庁舎会議室
セント・ジェームズ – セント・ジェームズ – セント・ジェームズ・ハッチャム・ビル
LG01階とLG02階 – スチュアート教授ホール・ビル内 レクチャー・ホール1と2
RHB 163, 164, 167, 168, 280, 281 – リチャード・ホガート・ビル内複数の教室 (本館)
売店 – リチャード・ホガート・ビル(本館)内RHB 150 (本館)
Goldsmiths Campus map